
Wednesday 28 July 2010


Dear Milli
So, the art festival was pretty magical. It was set in a rickety old farm house & barn. A group of young, contemporary artists had incorporated their work into their surroundings.
The wine was fab (came in directly from France - may be an idea for our trip!) & the music was quite bizarre - in the best, most unique kind of way.
Uli & I parked up in a nearby field and, in the dark, managed to tread sheep poo all over the carpet. Oh, did I mention that we had nothing plumbed in - so no running water... and paws covered in sheep poo. Mmm. Pleasant! Nice smell!
On the upside ; ) at least we managed to park on a slope, and being slightly inebriated, there was no way of moving it... so we just had to grin and bear it... despite sliding off the mattress.
The previous owners had made us aware of the fact that the side door was stiff & we'd need to replace the runner, but as there's access from the cab & the rear, surely that wouldn't be a problem. Little did I know, that the side door wasn't sealed properly, so it felt as though my left leg (I sleep on my front) was outside, in the field of poo, and the rest of me was being dripped on from the condensation.
Oh how Sunday lunch was appreciated! I even braved topping up my vino intake. Tut tut!

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