
Wednesday 28 July 2010


Dear Milli
Uli's picked up our new (1998 - so in human years - pretty young... perhaps a little older in car years) baby. Apparently she's great to drive (Uli's never driven vans). I guess that's what we should expect from a Mercedes Sprinter Ambulance!!!
We've decided to call her 'Ambi' as she has 'AMBIENCE' on the front, where it used to say AMBULANCE.
She's filthy - why didn't we make more of an effort to study her in detail when we viewed her - I guess time wasn't on our side. The green carpet is revolting! That'll be coming straight up. The shower's a bit rank as well - the sealant has turned yellow & it smells manky, I think we're going to need to donate a hell of a lot more time, than we initially thought, to get her in tip-top shape.
I can hear my new nickname already: SCRUBBER.

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