
Thursday 12 August 2010


Dear Milli
mmm... orange juice, and a croissant, courtesy of Soph'...
followed by table wine.
Costume time! Kirst cut out the CSI stencils I had printed out, and filled them in on the back of each CSI suit, with marker pen. I struggled a little (sleep deprivation) to write STANDON underneath. We cordoned off our camping area with the tape & hopped into our costumes. It proved a little difficult drinking, while wearing masks. Determination reigned within our group, and through sunshine & torrential downpours, we stood our ground - this time in front of the main stage... for hours, while we waited for the verdict on best costume. Yeah - we didn't win, but we were blatantly great, and posed for many a picture.
Uli and I clambered back up the hill to cook some pesto pasta in Ambi. Uli even toasted pine nuts and tossed them in. Yum!
Danced a little more & then headed to bed at 1.30am. Brian had worked out that I'd been awake for 41 hours. Time to crash!!!!

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