
Thursday 12 August 2010


Dear Milli
mmm... orange juice, and a croissant, courtesy of Soph'...
followed by table wine.
Costume time! Kirst cut out the CSI stencils I had printed out, and filled them in on the back of each CSI suit, with marker pen. I struggled a little (sleep deprivation) to write STANDON underneath. We cordoned off our camping area with the tape & hopped into our costumes. It proved a little difficult drinking, while wearing masks. Determination reigned within our group, and through sunshine & torrential downpours, we stood our ground - this time in front of the main stage... for hours, while we waited for the verdict on best costume. Yeah - we didn't win, but we were blatantly great, and posed for many a picture.
Uli and I clambered back up the hill to cook some pesto pasta in Ambi. Uli even toasted pine nuts and tossed them in. Yum!
Danced a little more & then headed to bed at 1.30am. Brian had worked out that I'd been awake for 41 hours. Time to crash!!!!

Friday 6 August 2010


Dear Milli
Caught up with an old Geordie friend, and lay on the grass, chatting and munching, while enjoying a pint. Glorious weather. Spent a lot of the afternoon hanging out in an old 70's tent, sitting on a sofa, drinking Bacardi & Red Bull, and trying to save a ladybird from a chewing gum incident, while listening to obscure tunes being strummed away on a Spanish guitar.
The early hours were spent in the Cow Shed nightclub, and the padded cell. Met some weird & wonderful folk, from all walks of life. Many hugs and compliments were shared around. Met an American dude who looked remarkably like Woody Harrelson*. I lent him my bear hat, that was sweated on profusely... but hey, it looked good on him.
So, there was much dancing to be done... but bed time slowly came around at about 5am... but could I sleep? No chance! I could hear the music all night, so tried to stay as still as poss., so Uli could at least get 40 winks.

* Did you know that his full name is Woodrow. Is that a reasonably common name in the States? And... he's only 5'9" - I thought he seemed taller.

Thursday 5 August 2010


Dear Milli
Arrived at Standon. Just managed to find the last remaining decent spot for Ambi - superbly flat, with a great panoramic view of the festival. Ours neighbours seemed pretty sound. We were a little disappointed to see that we weren't the only ones with CSI tape (although, at least ours was official!)
Was a bit of a mission getting the tents & gazebos up - we found a plot near the toilets & tepee showers. Cracked open the beers, and a few bottles of white to help us stay sane. A couple of randoms came to join our festivities... but I decided to retreat back to Ambi for an early night at 1.30am. zzZ

Monday 2 August 2010


Dear Milli
Some poor person had rolled their car
on the motorway, so we were diverted down back roads for 1.5hrs. We could see the Pont de Millau tantalising us in the distance, but we were lucky enough to drive through some lovely, scenic villages on the detour.
Finally arrived in
Sete, and drove through the centre of town, past the fishing port and found a beachfront parking space for Ambi on La Corniche. Had some scrummy scallops (Coquilles St Jacques) at the beachfront bar, 20 metres from Ambi. Obviously Uli didn't have any - he's still a bit scared of seafood. He did, however, share a mighty fine bottle of local vin blanc with me.
We tried hailing down a cab to take us to the festie. Little did we know that they have to be pre-booked. A lovely couple stopped, and laughing, offered us a lift. Aparently it was obvious where we were from, as only Londoners hail cabs. Uli had to sit on the fitted kid's seat. The festivities on the harbour front were wild, and Laurent Garnier played a set. Met some sound people... and talked campervans with an Australian, who hires them out too.
Danced through the night & on the way back to Ambi, stopped off for a swim - in the sea, at 5.30am. WOW!